How secure is a free program?
There are a lot of project management tools and many different solutions, as needed. As a small or newly started business, it may be tempting to choose a free project management tool.
You just have to remember that nothing is free. The provider of the free software also has employees who must have pay, rent to be paid etc.
Rule #1 – A free software is never for free
Imagine you have entered all the data about your new project. Employees, time, budgets etc. is in place and follows the project plan.
At some point in the process, you would like to have exported the data associated with the project. Either into another software (integration) or you need to print an overview. Maybe you also need more licenses.
Typically, it will be at this stage that the free software often requires an extension that costs. And then it is hard either to manually enter these data or pay for an extension of the program. You still have a waiting customer and a deadline to be observed.
Another thing to keep in mind is that sensitive information on customers and suppliers etc. must be used in connection with eg. billing.
“Paid software creates both security and security.”
Vælger man at betale for et software vil der typisk være både en kontrakt, support, samt dygtige udviklere der står bag. Dette giver en tryghed, da du hele tiden bliver opdateret og kan få hjælp.
EazyProject as a solution
If you choose EazyProject as a solution, you can be sure that you will continuously be updated with new and exciting features that communicate across the entire system and which make your workflow easier and faster.
We take care of our customers and our focus is on making everyday life and workflow easier and faster.