EazyProject gives you a complete overview of and insight into the entire project’s finances.
Depending on your role as employee, project manager or part of senior management, you can only gain access to those reports relevant to your role.
If you need specific industry reports, you can access them quickly via our case management system.
Take control of large and small projects and allocate remuneration between various stakeholders and phases.
Naturally, it is also possible to work with a risk pool in terms of remuneration, as well as to choose between entering a percentage allocation or allocation in a currency of your choice.
In the EazyProject software the distribution fee and Budget Pro are cooperating. This means, that you will have the opportunity to schedule your sale prices on any level.
The Budget Pro gives you a full view of all details and data. The planning of the budget is based on existing projects, tasks and duration, which makes it very quick and easy to work with.
If you have planned a lengthy, large and complex project in our Planning Pro system, you can easily and quickly transfer this to Budget Pro with a single click.
If the budget also needs to include entries such as external suppliers, outlays and mileage, it is also possible to create such entries for each individual task. In this way, finances can be managed for the individual task or for the entire project on a monthly basis.
It's unbelievably easy to go into EazyProject and get an overview of tasks, resources, utilisation, holidays, outlays, mileage and invoicing.
EazyProject supports rate invoicing with fixed or suggested rates, multi-currency management and much more.
Working hours, mileage and outlays can be entered per customer/project and added easily as items in the invoice draft. The user decides themselves which records should be invoiced and which should be written off.
EazyProject includes all information on finance that concerns the planning of projects and amount of time, outlays, mileage and so on.