Property Administration

Track time and get quick access to reports and documents

Eazyproject's Online Time Tracking App features.
Eazyproject's Online Time Tracking App features. logo
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EazyProject provides a broad overview

Follow the realized figures and gain important status on the business

Residents time tracking

Direct access for residents


The board gets an overview

Wide overview of the board


Company registrations

Focus on the whole company


The residents

While the residents do not have direct access to the system, the residents indirectly experience the benefits of having introduced EazyProject. Meetings are planned at fixed times and the implementation of tasks is now more efficient.


Management boards

Consistently obtain a better overview upon which they can make decisions.

  • Greater focus on costs
  • The system ensures that expenditures are shared between departments according to actual consumption
  • Obtain a simpler and easier overview of budget in relation to actual consumption of resources
  • Together with the customer manager or operations manager, can ‘work’ with the budget by increasing or deducing individual services and quickly seeing the effect on the total budget
  • Easy access to reports and documents
  • Get documentation for completed work and where the scope of the individual types of tasks is evident

The company is in no doubt that EazyProject has increased the management’s awareness in terms of efficiency in both the executive board and operations and customer managers.

There is a constant focus on what can be done better and more efficiently. That the system supports this approach is, in’s estimation, the most important gain. It allows personnel to follow the achieved figures, which provide important statuses for the business right now, combined with help of resource management software and insights into where it would be best to optimise. You can also calculate the effect of your opt-ins and opt-outs.

This applies to both the management board and the employees. This mind-set is a change in business culture because it is not something traditionally seen in the industry.

The solution also makes it easier for to offer different solutions to’s business customers.

Løsningen gør det også nemmere for at tilbyde forskellige løsninger til Domea.dks forretningskunder.

Read why Domea uses the digital system EazyProject for the streamlining of property administration here.

Overview and transparency in relation to budget and the delegation of tasks. What we have gained from these benefits is not hard to see, because there are big savings to be made.
Bent Michelsen domea
Bent Michelsen,
Customer Manager // Domea Solrød


Always a complete overview

A service centre has to schedule a great many tasks. Some of these are all the resident enquiries that must be determined at a specific time on a specific day (blue tasks).

Then there are all the regular tasks such as mowing the lawn, cutting the hedges, emptying vending machines, waste disposal, snow clearing and so on (green tasks).
Finally, there are all the projects that must be put into effect. And when so many employees and different areas of responsibility overlap it becomes a huge puzzle.

The management board also wants a financial overview of the coming year and an assurance that all the tasks will be completed.

With EazyProject, has obtained a solution that makes its daily work much easier and ensures everyone has a complete overview.

As tasks are visibly displayed on the mobile phone, things can be taken care of right away, as EazyProject couples tasks effectively together with the employees that are available.
Per Ask domea
Per Ask Sørensen,
Building manager // Domea Solrød

The employee

Generate an overview of tasks

For building managers, it is quick and easy to generate an overview of the different tasks. It’s easy to see whether a task is more flexible or whether it is set for a specific time.

Via their mobile, the individual employee has the opportunity to:

  • See what tasks are planned and when
  • Register hours
  • Write notes for the individual tasks
  • Expenses
  • Mileage
  • Send a message to the service centre regarding the individual cases
  • Plan holidays and absences
  • See an overview of holiday account, earned and taken time off in lieu and much more.
Read more about Time Tracking
The biggest reward with EazyProject is that the executive board and senior managers in the property services can sharpen their focus on optimisation.
Domea logo
Jette Pilgaard Laursen,
Finance Director // Domea Landscenter

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