
Manual for Project Managers

This manual is based on EazyProject’s standard flow for project managers, which can of course differ depending on how to use EazyProject’s features

Create a project

When a new project arrives, it must be created in EazyProject so that planning and managing it can begin.

Go to User Menu> Projects> Create Project

Start by filling in master data on the project; project name, project number, customer, project type, project manager, project status, etc.

Press save

Create the tasks / activities that the project should contain.

Press “Create New Task” and fill in data on the task;

  • The name of the task
  • Time type
    Here you select the type of hour for which the task is performed and sold to. If there are employees under Members who do not have a cost and selling price, the hourly rate of the assignment will apply to the employee.
  • Responsible
    Choose the employee responsible for this job. Responsible does not have to mean that it is the employee who has to perform the task. Allocation is handled under the Staffing tab.
  • Phase
    Select the phase that the task belongs to.
  • Budget/t
    Set the budgeted hour count on the task.
  • Budget/DKK
    This field is automatically controlled by the cost price to which the employees who are to perform the task are set. So when staff are assigned to the task, as well as how the budget should be designed, this field will update itself.
  • Status
    The status of a task tells you whether the task is available on the allocated employee’s weekly note. A scheduled, paused or completed task will not be possible to record time.
  • Start / end date
    Set a period within which the task is expected to be completed.
  • Milestone
    Check this box if the task is a milestone. A milestone automatically gets the same start and end date. A milestone appears in the Gantt map with a pane shape.
  • Description
    Here the task can be specified. This is also available to employees via the weekly bill

Create a copy of another project
If you have a project whose tasks and staffing are reminiscent of the new project to be created, then it can be copied. It can also be a project template that you have created that is copied for new projects.

Go to User Menu> Projects> Projects

Touch the pencil next to the project you want to copy. In the gray box to the right, click Copy Project. Then give the new project a name and press the Project Manager Function Manual on Copy Project. The project form for the new project is then opened and corrections can be made in the master data and tasks that are needed.

Mandatory comment on time records for the project
If employees want to add a comment every time they record hours on the project, then this needs to be set up.

User menu> Projects> Select project and press the pencil next to the project.

Other > Dropdown “Comments on time recording

Schedule tasks in Gantt Pro

In the creation of the tasks, the start and end dates were used to determine the time period for which the task is expected to be performed. So here the tasks were overall planned. Go into the Gantt Pro to plan in more detail.

Go to User Menu > Gantt & Graphs > Gantt Pro

Use the filter at the top to search the project. One can also go through the project form; click on Gantt Pro in the gray box. Click the plus next to the project name on the left to view the tasks in the project.

Task structure – sub-tasks
In Gantt Pro, the visual structure of the tasks can be adjusted so that tasks can have sub-tasks.

Click once on a task that should be a sub-task for the task above so that it is selected.

Then click on the “Move in” button at the top to make the task fit into the task above and thus become a sub-task.

Dependency can be set up between the tasks of the project, which means that one task cannot start until another is completed. Touch the circle at the end of a task and drag it to the circle for another task and release. How to create an addiction. When a task is moved, the task (s) that are dependent on the task will also be moved.

Progress on tasks
When double-clicking on a project, either via the list on the left or via the bars in the Gantt map, the project can be edited. In addition to the set-up options available in the project form, it is possible here to choose how progress in the tasks should be managed.

It can be manual, where the project manager himself estimates how far a task is, using a slider, or it can be based on time records of the task (which is calculated as a percentage against the hourly budget of the task).

For projects that are used for internal time and absence, it is a good idea to change progress to be manual and not on the basis of time registrations, since progress rate has no value in relation to internal time such as holidays etc.

It is possible to save baselines along the way, so that a picture is saved of how the tasks are positioned relative to each other, how long they span and in what date range they lie.

In this way, as the project progresses, one can keep the status up to the starting point – and possibly make more baselines along the way if the project and tasks progress a lot.

Create a baseline by double-clicking the project name on the left. Baselines can be created at the bottom of the box. Name the baseline and press Create New and the baseline will appear below with the date and time of creation.

When you set the dot for a created baseline, the project and task timelines will appear in the Gantt map with a light orange color.

If you cannot see baselines even if you have dotted a baseline on the project, click on the gear in the upper right corner and make sure the system is set to display baselines

Staffed the project

Once the project is set up and planned, it must be staffed with the staff who will be performing the tasks.

Planning Pro

Go to User Menu > Schedule > Schedule Pro

Use the filter at the top to view only your project. Or go through the project form in the gray box to the right, click on Planning Pro. Press the arrow to the left of the project name to highlight the project’s tasks. Use the arrows in the upper right corner to find the time period you want to staff the tasks.

The thin gray lines in the calendar overview show when the tasks are scheduled.

If you do not see the gray lines, click on the gear in the upper right corner and make sure the system is set to display them.

Staff the tasks by clicking the silhouette next to the task name. Below is a line that says Add. Mark the period next to Add using drag & drop. A box will now appear showing the period you have selected. Choose a scheduling type (read more about these below), select one or more employees and assign them hours / percent. Touch Save. Now you can see for the user on the left side how many hours he / she is estimated to have to work on the task.

If you do not see the Estimates column, click on the gear in the upper right corner and make sure the system is set to display it.

Planning placed on weekends does not count, so even though weekends are visible and can be part of a selection, hours are not spent on weekends.

Schedule with number of hours per day (Hours per day)
With this type of planning you enter how many hours a day the employee should spend on the task.

Schedule with percentage of standard time (% of standard time per day)
With this type of planning, you enter what percentage of the employee’s standard time they should spend per day. day on the task.

Schedule with number of hours broken down by period (Budget total by day)
With this type of planning, you enter how many hours in total that the employee has to work on the task, and the system distributes the hours over the period you have chosen to mark.

Under Schedule Pro, a table is displayed with employees and how many hours they are staffed on a weekly basis. When the number turns red, the employee is abnormally exceeded.

By holding your mouse over the number you get a box that tells you what projects / tasks the employee is staffed for during the week, as well as how many hours. Use this chart to get an idea of ​​what resources are available for your project.

Remember to transfer planning
Once you have planned employees in Planning Pro, a red circle will appear next to the project name in the left column. Tap this to transfer the schedule to the project form. It’s important to get done.

If you do not see the red circle next to the project name in case of changes, click on the gear in the upper right corner and make sure the system is set to display it.

Set the project budget

Once the project is planned and staffed with resources, the project budget must be created. Go to the User menu, Projects, Projects and touch the pencil next to the project to be budgeted for. Go to the Budget tab in the project form.

Fixed price / fees
Enter the amount that you have to spend in hours in the Timebudget (DKK) field and check the box “Fixed price”. Press Save / Update. Use the line “Add budget line” to add costs / revenue to the other things to use for the project. The lines are added to the table at the bottom, where the budget is built up and shows the coverage contribution and coverage contribution factor.

Elapsed time
To the right of the Hours Budget (DKK) field is put the check box in “Calculate automatically”. Press Save / Update. Then the system will calculate the cost of using hours, based on the staffing done on the project. Use the line “Add budget line” to add costs / revenue to the other things to use for the project. The lines are added to the table at the bottom, where the budget is built up and shows the coverage contribution and coverage contribution factor.

Payment / rate plan
If you make an agreement with the client when to pay for the work, this can be created in EazyProject, so it is easier for bookkeeping to know when and how much to invoice for a project. Go to the User menu, Projects, Projects and press the pencil next to the project. Go to the Billing tab.

Under Schedule payment rates, the agreed rates are created with date, type (fixed or suggested), comment and amount. Touch Add. Create the rates that are needed.

Use the Proposed type for a payment date where you will be billed for actual consumption (the amount in the plan will also be an estimate)

Ongoing administration of the project

Once the project is created and started, it must be followed up on an ongoing basis and any corrections must be made.

Change in schedule
Tasks can be delayed for many reasons. If you know that the end date of a task cannot be met – and the subsequent task cannot start on time, then this must be evaluated in EazyProject.

Go to User Menu> Gantt & Graphs> Gantt Pro

Use the filter to search the project
Complete the tasks by pressing the plus next to the project name. Extend a task period by dragging at the end of the task bar. If the subsequent tasks do not depend on the task being extended, they will not move automatically and must be moved manually. Use drag ‘n drop to move the taskbars.

Change in staffing
If there are changes to the schedule, it can also be of great importance to staffing. Go to User Menu, Schedule, Schedule Pro. Use the filter to search the project. Complete the tasks by pressing the arrow to the left of the project name. Expand the staffing of the tasks by pressing the silhouettes next to each task. Use drag ‘n drop to move the beams – or drag at the end of a beam to extend the staffing period.

NOTE! If a staffing period is extended, using the planning types ”% of standard time per day. day ”or“ Hours per day. day ”, several hours will be spent on the employee’s estimate.

Staff with more staff if the change in project requires it. If the change means that an employee cannot be used during the period, possibly. due to vacation, then reallocate the hour budget or add more staff to the task.

Completed or stand-by tasks
When a task is considered completed, the status of the task in EazyProject must be changed to completed so that employees can no longer register time on the task.

Go to User Menu> Projects> Projects and touch the pencil next to the project

Under the master data tab, where the task overview is shown at the bottom, the checkbox is set to the right of the task and in the dropdown that appears above, select “Finish task”. The task now switches status to Completed. Press Save / Update.

If a task is put on standby for one reason or another, the status of the task in EazyProject must be changed to pause so that employees can no longer record time on the task.

Go to User Menu > Projects > Projects and touch the pencil next to the project.

Touch the pencil to the left of the task and change the Status of the task to Pause.

Press Save

Information for project members
If a task is paused, the time period is changed or something that the project members want to be informed about, it can be done via EazyProject. Go to the User menu, Projects, Projects and press the pencil next to the project. Go to the Project Log tab. Enter the information in the Project Log, check the box “Inform project members via email” and press Add.

Follow-up on the project

When the project is running, it must be followed up on an ongoing basis to ensure that the hourly budget holds and that it is billed according to schedule.

Follow up on progress

Go to User Menu > Gantt & Graphs > Gantt Pro

Use the filter to search the project. Complete the tasks by pressing the plus next to the project name. The red line shows today’s date. On the right side of each task bar you can see a percentage. This shows how many percent of the task’s hourly budget is registered on the task. The percentage on the project bar is the overall progress for the entire project.

Use the filter at the top and search for yourself as project manager and status as active, and you will see all your active projects in the Gantt map at once.

Follow up on budget / consumption (hours)

Go to User Menu> Report Other> Project Portfolio 1

In the filter you choose yourself in the project manager to search your projects forward. An overview of the project’s budget and consumption is shown, both with percentage and difference in hours. Check “Show task details” to see progress and consumption specified on the projects tasks.

Follow-up on budget / consumption (economy)

Go to User Menu > Report Other > Project Portfolio 3

In the filter you choose yourself in the project manager to search your projects forward. Check this box if you want it to be included in the report. Here is an overview of the progress of the project in kroner and ears.

In addition, the total invoiced amount is also displayed on the project. The percentage increase is due to consumption versus budget. Consumption is the recorded hours multiplied by the employee’s selling price on the project

Follow-up on invoicing
An overview of what the customer has been billed can be created.

Payment / Rate Plan Follow-up To get an overview of whether the payment plan is being adhered to, go to User Menu, Finance, Project Billing. In the filter you choose yourself in the project manager to search your projects forward. In Billing Status, select what should appear in the summary. Tap Search and get an overview of what rates are billed, to what amount and date – and by whom.