Here, 6 steps are described for the approach that most architects, engineers and consultants use. This approach gives you as a project manager a simple tool to work in, where you can easily and quickly see the consequences of your planning in DKK and ear and on the burden on the employees.
Step 1 – Create a project
User menu > Projects > Create project
Here you create the project with the necessary master data, budgets, tasks, staffing of employees, ect. Planning Pro Planning.
For a detailed review of project creation, please refer to this manual.
Step 2 – Schedule time and resources
You can schedule time and resources through. the project form, as well as create projects and tasks.
You can also do this easily and easily via Planning Pro.
User Menu > Scheduling > Scheduling Pro
With Planning Pro you can also create projects and tasks.
In Planning Pro, you can plan the number of hours on the different employees, distributed at project and / or task level. It is possible to plan the employees based on 3 different models.
- Total budget divided by day
- Hours per day
- % of norm time per. day
To get the time and resource estimate from Scheduling Pro, return to the project form (eg for calculating DB factor), press the red circle next to the project name.
Then all employee estimates from Planning Pro are updated to assignment assignments for the project.
Before you can transfer the estimates, you must:
Click on gears, top right in Scheduling Pro > check: show warning if change in scheduling
NOTE! When you transfer the employee estimates from Scheduling Pro to the project form, all employee assignment assignments will be overwritten by the estimates from Scheduling Pro
Step 3 – Customize your budget
Once you have planned in Planning Pro, you will return to the project form by pressing the project name and selecting edit in project form. Here you come back to the project form, where you can see the result of the changes in the estimate under the budget tab. You will return from the project Pro planning form via the shortcut icon at the top right of the page.
Step 4 – Follow up
As the project progresses and hours / costs are registered, the project must be continuously monitored. How to follow up can be different from business to business. Some of the things that need to be followed up here are:
Time and cost registration
Here it is important to follow up on that the registrations are correct and that the weekly notes are handed over on time (administrative task). As a project manager, you can draw a project report eg. Large hourly report, Project timer or Report 55, to ensure that all project participants have correctly registered their hours. You will find the reports via:
Brugermenu > Rapporter & Værktøjer > Projektleder
When a task is finished and no time can be registered, you can change the status of the tasks you want to close to the project via the project form. In this way, the task disappears from the employee’s weekly note.
Manning projects
What should be used by resources over the next period to reach the project?
User Menu > Reports & Tools > Management > Staff Report
The staffing report, giving a quick overview of the expected resource consumption, distributed over weeks or months – a similar overview can also be obtained in Planning Pro.
Progress on project – City value
How far is the project?
In the master data tab, there are two support values to help you with the city value.
Stade billed, gives you the relationship between what is billed and the expected total billing as a percentage
Stade consumed gives you the ratio of hours consumed and hours allocated in percent.
You can access the master data tab for an existing project via:
User menu > Projects > Press the pencil next to the desired project
Financial impact on the project
Information can be drawn in many different reports, but the case economy report provides a quick overview of the case. Here, all the financial ratios can be read and give the project manager the opportunity to act at the forefront of the development. The report is located as follows:
User Menu > Reports & Tools > Project Manager > Case Economy
Step 5 – Invoices
There are different ways to create an invoice, as each company has its own procedures.
In the last tab of the project form, it is possible to create an expected billing plan, both in time and in fixed rates. If invoiced in this image, all registrations will be marked as invoiced during the selected period.
In the last tab of the project form, it is possible to create an expected billing plan, both in time and in fixed rates. If invoiced in this image, all registrations will be marked as invoiced during the selected period.
It is also possible to create an invoice manually and load hours, km, outlay and possibly. omit some registrations. Regardless of how the invoice is created, you can see all invoices for the individual project in the Show invoice tab.
It is also possible via the menu item Show customers to see the billing history per customer. Show invoice is located as follows:
User menu > Finance > Show invoices
Step 6 – Finish the project
Once the project has been completed, all hours registered and the last invoice sent, you can change the status of the project to Completed via the project form.
In this way, it disappears out of many overviews (can be found by using status filters) and not least the project and tasks disappear from the employees’ weekly notes.