Customer card
First and foremost, customers must be reviewed to ensure that at least a correct CVR number has been entered on the customer card. An EAN number can also be entered (cvr number must still be entered) and if this is entered, the invoice will be sent to the EAN number.
If an e-invoice is to be sent to a private person, the CVR number is set to 00000000 and the person’s email must be applied to the customer card
If you want to be able to send an e-invoice to the customer, you must put a check mark in “Send e-invoice”.
Create invoice
When an invoice is created, it is possible to opt out of sending the individual invoice as an e-invoice by removing the check mark on the invoice
If the EAN is changed directly on the invoice (even without updating the customer card), the invoice will be sent to this EAN number.
Send e-invoice and send draft to Financial system
If EazyProject is integrated with an accounting system, the function “Send e-invoice” is included in the button “Send approved invoices”.
The status of sending invoices can be seen in the column “Exported”
It is possible to send only the e-invoice and also to re-send the e-invoice, without re-sending to the financial system. This is done on the individual invoice.
Send e-invoice without integration to financial system
If the EazyProject solution is NOT integrated with an accounting system, in “Show invoices” there will be a button for sending all approved invoices that have not yet been sent.
Status fields
Below is a list of possible status values regarding sending
Status Value | Explanation |
e-invoice not sent | Invoice / credit note not sent |
e-invoice sent | Invoice / credit note shipped |
e-invoice read by recipient | Invoice / credit note read by recipient |
e-invoice failed – contact support | Invoice / credit note – error occurred contact EazyProject support |
e-invoice rejected by recipient | Invoice / credit note has been rejected by recipient |
Unknown | Invoice / credit note not yet shipped |
PDF exported | Invoice / credit note is created and sent as pdf |
Submitted | Exported to accounting system and NOT as e-invoice |