In the weekly note (Hours, km & outlay> weekly note), users can register coming / going times – depending on whether it is activated in the system.

Here the user enters the clock for the time they have worked in.
Press Close & Update.

Then it will be possible to add new clock and add a comment to the registration.
There will also be a box related to lunch, where the employee can enter the length of the lunch break and whether it should be deducted from the entry / exit registration.
Activate the clocking in/out
Go to:
Administration > Miscellaneous> System Setup > Getting / Going

Here you can check that the come / go can be selected on a user, and whether lunch must be checked default. If lunch is checked, 0.5 hours will automatically be deducted from the user’s arrival / go registration.
Press Save / Update

When the come / go is activated, it must be selected on the user, this is done via:
Administration > Users > Show Users / Create User
Here you can use the come / go registration in the master data tab to choose which type of entry / exit registration the user must have access to.
Clocking in/out settings
There are three types of come / go registrations:
- Come / go
- Calculator
- 1:1
Come / go -gå
In this version, the come / go registration is used to calculate the user’s flex.
The daily total is calculated solely on the basis of the coming / going registrations, and the user must – unlike ordinary time registrations – not distribute the hours on various tasks.
If the user registers on tasks other than come / go, the time consumption is not included in the user’s daily total.
Based on the come / go registration, the system calculates how many hours the user has worked. The user must subsequently allocate the hours to the tasks that have been performed. For this, it will appear at the top of the weekly note how many hours are to be distributed.
The user’s daily totals and flex are calculated in this version exclusively pba. the time registrations in the tasks. It is possible to approve the weekly note without all the hours being distributed.
This version is really similar to Calculator. However, the user must allocate the exact number of hours before the day and week can be approved.