
Data exchange hours and driving

Description of which fields / values are transferred and what the logic is. Note, the transfer of hours and driving requires the e-conomic project module.

Transfer hours TO e-conomic

EazyProject hours are transferred to e-conomic from the EazyProject screen (Administration -> Integration -> Export to e-conomic)
The following fields must be found / matched in both solutions before a data transfer can be made.

The following data fields are transferred to e-conomic

EazyProject fields e-conomic fields Comment
Project numberProject
Task numberActivity
Employee numberEmployee number
HoursNumber of hours

Transfer drive to e-conomic

EazyProject run is transferred to e-conomic from the EazyProject screen

Administration> Integration> Export to e-conomic

The following fields must be found / matched in both solutions before a data transfer can be made.

The following data fields are transferred to e-conomic

EazyProject fields e-conomic fields Comments
Project numberProject
Employee numberEmployee number
Driving fromFrom(optional)City name
Driving toto (optional)City name
KmNumber of km