Create hour types
In EazyProject, you can create different hours of the employees’ cost and sales price, and create customer-specific price agreements.
Administration > Types > Create hour type

Here you can create different hour types by filling in the fields:
- Hour type, the name of the hour type.
- Sales & cost price related to the hourly type.
- Validate from date, the date the hour type applies from.
- Item number is used to filter in the hour types.
- Status must be active before the type can be selected.
- Color in gantt card, illustrates the type of hour used in the projects tasks.
Standard hour type

When you create a user, in the master data tab, you can assign an hourly type per standard hour type to the hour, default is used as the default cost and sales price for the user on its allocated projects. If you do not want a standard hour type, set it blank. The assigned hour type can always be adapted to the individual projects, under project team.
The employee’s hourly type can always be changed by the user’s user profile via:
Administration > Users > View Users > Press the pencil to edit
This feature also opens up the possibility of creating customer-specific price agreements.
Customer-specific price agreement
On the Master Data tab under Customers, the created hour types are displayed. You will find master data for customers when you create or edit a customer – through:
User menu > Customers & crm > Show customers / Create customer
Here it is possible to enter the hourly rate agreed with the specific customer for the different hour types.
Employee- and customer-specific hourly rates in practice
When a customer is linked to a project and the tasks are created and staffed, the project form’s project team tab – per. default be filled in with the customer-specific hourly rate.
However, it is possible to overwrite the hourly rate manually.

If the price agreements are not filled in on the customer’s master data, the employee’s standard hourly rates per. default appears in the project team tab. It is also possible to overwrite the employees’ standard hourly rate.
If both are completed, it is the customer-specific price agreement that applies.
If none of them are filled in, the hour types selected on the tasks are used.